The Garage Engineer's Journal
A blog about tinkering, open source, and those experiments that we all do in our own little "labs".
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Saturday, January 21, 2017
Testing out my newly built dust boot. First I would like to say to everyone just go buy a @suckitdustboot. I was going to do just that but the engineering side of my brain kept telling to figuare it out and practice designing it on the computer. Five times throughout the design and build I stopped and said I should stop now and buy the @suckitdustboot. (and I probable will because it is very well design and the group over there is very responsive) So hear is my rough design. It does work so I am happy. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting
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Not a plumber, but "Plumbing Tip of the Day" If a fitting leaks just go a head and replace it. 2 trips to the hardwear store. First for just a washer, $1.99.(yes way over priced but closest to house). Fitting still Leaked. Gave up trying to get it to work. Led to second trip. Bought new sink tail pipe kit. $5.99. So far no leaks. Keep you fingers crossed. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting #notaplumber
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Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Sometimes it's the little projects that makes me happy. Z-axis knob. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting
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Saturday, January 7, 2017
This is my 'how can I build a dust boot with materials on hand' project. It was good practice for me creating the cad design but I really just need to just buy the properly engineered tool, a suckitdustboot.Com. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting
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A Makers selfie stick. #thegarageengineer
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