The Garage Engineer's Journal
A blog about tinkering, open source, and those experiments that we all do in our own little "labs".
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Friday, December 30, 2016
I have been lazy. I have had a few days off from work and have been knocking out build projects on my list and have not video recorded any of them. Sometime you just need pure workshop building time to relax. I did get one picture of my Dust Deputy set up. I was going to build one similar to Jay Bates' plan but my vac stay mostly under my table saw so this is a better set up. But I do have plans to add to this set up which I might record later. #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting #thegarageengineer
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Monday, December 12, 2016
Look what I got for the shop today. 16.7 lbs of bolt. Bought it by the pound at my local surplus store. Candy and for scale. #thegarageengineer
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Tuesday, December 6, 2016
New video up on Youtube. Building a DIY Wasteboard for 1000mm Xcarve from Inventiables. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting #xcarve #wasteboard #inventables
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Saturday, November 26, 2016
Xcarve is built. Start time 9pm. Finish time 4:23 am. . Now I have to wait for my back ordered x controller. #thegarageengineer. #xcarve
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This is very soothing, like building Lego. #thegarageengineer
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Friday, November 25, 2016
X carriage done. Knocking out assembles and catching up on podcasts. #reclaimedaudio and #makinggeeks. #thegarageengineer
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Dos sides plates done. Moving on to X carriage #thegarageengineer #xcarve
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See yall in a few hours. Let the build begin. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting #xcarve
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Sunday, November 13, 2016
Walnut frame for Tintype photograph. Check out my newly posted YouTube video build. #direstatintype #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting #tintype4life
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Thursday, November 10, 2016
This is not a filter. . Major smoke has blown into town from a north Georgia wildfire. It has been smokey all day and is getting worse.
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What a way to wake up this morning. Full blood Moon.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2016
It has been done. My 1000mm xcarve has been ordered. Now I have to wait patiently for the UPS guy. So what should my first carve be? #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting #thegarageengineer #inventables #xcarve #cnc
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Just posted on the 'tube. @TheGarageEngineer. Https:// New video of the gift I made for Jimmy Diresta and Taylor Forrest for letting me stay at their home during the Tintype Workshop. #direstatintype #jimmysfarmhouse #tintype4life #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting #japanese #toolbox #gift
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Thursday, October 27, 2016
This is not a pocket dump but I wanted to share my new EDC (every day carry). It is an 1882-o Morgan Silver dollar. I carry it because I think it is neat to carry a piece of history that is over 135 years old. Plus I want to think it rode in the pocket of a cowboy during his travels out west to concure the new frontier. #edc #thegarageengineer
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016
I have always knew this day would come. How confusing.
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Friday, October 21, 2016
New video posted on YouTube. #direstatintype #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting #jimmysfarmhouse
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Thursday, October 20, 2016
That is not a birthmark on my right forearm. It is a silver nitrate stain I got from developing tintype photographs last weekend. It keeps catching my eye throughout the day and makes me think that would be a cool location for a tattoo. Well for now I have the stain till my skin regenerate. #nowashingoff #direstatintype #tintype4life #thegarageengineer
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Flea market finds near #jimmysfarmhouse. I even got to meet the famous Lou. #direstatintype #thegarageengineer
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Monday, October 17, 2016
Flight delay 2hr and Delta gave me a present. What could it be?
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Sunday, October 16, 2016
Still life. #jimmysfarmhouse #direstatintype #thegarageengineer
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Polished print. In it's final form. Printing press. #direstatintype #jimmysfarmhouse #thegarageengineer
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Meta. A picture of a group looking at a video of someone taking a tintype picture. #direstatintype #jimmysfarmhouse #thegarageengineer
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One dead host. Photo by @thewolfofbees #direstatintype #jimmysfarmhouse #thegarageengineer
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Spike contemplating the meaning of life. #direstatintype #spike #jimmysfarmhouse #thegarageengineer
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Saturday, October 15, 2016
Waxing a tintype. Mad Tintype Scientist @sev_collazo #direstatintype #thegarageengineer
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Fireside chat of today's tintype with @ditto125 @sev_collazo @jimmydiresta #direstatintype #thegarageengineer
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Outdoor portrait of @krismarkduthie. 8" x10" tintype. Lit by only 2 cinema lights #direstatintype #thegarageengineer
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Diresta tintype photography weekend. @jimmydiresta @taylor_forrest @thewolfofbees @makeronthemove @residentmaker @njrworkshop @brent.bousqet @krismarkduthie @sev_collazo @ditto125 @thegarageengineer and Willie #jimmysfarmhouse
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Filtering developer. Backyard science. #direstatintype #thegarageengineer @ditto125 @residentmaker
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Backyard chemistry. Mixing developer for tin type photo workshop. #direstatintype #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting
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Friday, October 14, 2016
#direstatintype weekend and Craigslist find. Gearing up a Saw blade sharpener. #thegarageengineer
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Waiting at the Atlanta airport. Heading to New York. Attending Jimmy Diresta's Tin Type photography workshop. So excited. #jimmydiresta #tintype #workshop #thegarageengineer @jimmydiresta
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Sunday, October 2, 2016
Special projects coming soon. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting
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My most favorite belt buckle. I've worn it for over 21 years. It has gone through many camp outs.
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Thursday, September 29, 2016
Look at my new home screen. Imgur has high res movie posters with the texted removed. Makes great lock and home screens. So cool. Here is one link. 60 more textless movie posters (some of my favorites/some just interesting). If you're looking for a specific poster, check comments for link to a 1000+ collection.
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My neighbors got a new (old) bandsaw. I haven't had time to go talk to them to get full specs. But it is atleast 10 feet tall. I think it is a metal cutting saw.
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Saturday, September 17, 2016
I'm usually against posting meal pictures but this is what I made today for lunch. Delving into learning to make Korean food.
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Saturday, September 10, 2016
Just came in the mail. I have a lot of learning to do.
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I think my family likes eating rice. There was a shortage of these sprinkles. My mom was nice enough to order us some through the mail. if you kids don't eat rice, sprinkle some of this on it and they will never stop.
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Friday, September 9, 2016
My toughest client is satisfied with her new backpack storage cabinet. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting
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Saturday, September 3, 2016
I think I am going to ask Santa for more shop space. This is the beginning of a book shelf with a hidden pull out ironing board. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting
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Saturday, August 20, 2016
Finally finished. 5 foot farmhouse table with a match pair of 4 foot benches. Ready to list for sale. #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting #thegarageengineer
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Friday, July 29, 2016
American flag. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting
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Saturday, July 16, 2016
I need to learn to read Korean so I can eat my lunch.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2016
scrap wood art. #thegarageengineer
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Monday, June 27, 2016
beach life. Edisto island. Boneyard beach.
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Thursday, June 16, 2016
Quick and dirty screw caddy. Always a good day when you can build something from the scrap pile. Used @spax_usa #6 hardwood screws on plywood and no predrilling was needed and no layer seperation.Time saver. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting
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Sunday, April 24, 2016
If you are not HVLP spraying, you don't know what you are missing. So easy and the finish looks so much better than brush marks. Clean up isn't that bad either and I'm using oil primer so I have to use mineral spirts. Harbor fright gun is all you need. #ABC #alway#thegarageengineer
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Saturday, April 23, 2016
Love this ad copy of old levi pants. Good idea for design and font layout.
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Friday, March 18, 2016
Custom built, stained to match existing furniture....printer rolling cart. Big time project. Telecommuniting in style. If you cant hear it through my description, it's covered with a thick layer of sarcasm. #thegarageengineer #ABC #AlwaysBeCutting
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